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Company Code Of Ethics
The business philosophy of our company is based on values that are the foundation of its successful development.
In support of these values, this Code of Ethics has been developed to ensure that both employees and management have the same understanding of the company's fundamental operational standards and to convey the expectations of our customers.
We commit to meeting these standards and ensure ongoing monitoring of their compliance throughout the organization, thereby striving to avoid undesirable situations for our business.
Our company acts as a responsible employer that considers economic, social, and environmental impacts, aiming through its Code of Ethics to maximize benefits and reduce any negative impacts on its business.
The company fully respects human rights and will continue to ensure that all its actions reflect this respect. It is our endeavor to do business with partners who run their businesses in a way that is compatible with our human rights and ethical behavior policies. We will also work with customers to ensure that the requirements contained in contracts do not conflict with human rights.
We manage our company with respect and consideration for the environment. Through controlled monitoring of waste production, vehicle emissions, and energy consumption, we strive to minimize negative impacts on the environment.
Our company is fully committed to supporting and aiding the communities in which we operate, including charity support, community project sponsorship, and the provision of volunteers from among our employees. We manage our company with respect and consideration for the well-being of local communities, taking steps to minimize any disruption caused by our activities. We also assist local interests in creating appropriate jobs and providing effective services and products.
We commit to maintaining the integrity of our employees and our organization as per our ethical standards.
Our company strongly opposes negative phenomena such as bribery and corruption, regardless of their form. Gifts or hospitality may be offered to a third party only if they comply with business practices in the area, do not have high value, and cannot be interpreted as an incentive for business. In case of uncertainty, supervision is arranged, typically by the company director. Under no circumstances may financial gifts or other incentives be given to third parties/individuals or individuals from client organizations. Profits from company services and products, as well as purchases of products and services from suppliers, must be secured solely based on quality, performance, price, value, and benefit to the company and never based on promises, acceptance, or delivery of incentives in any form.
Our company does not fund political parties.
The company highly values and builds mutual trust and assurance in relationships with its customers. All employees should strive to provide the best, yet transparent services to customers for their payments.
All suppliers are entitled to fair access, and all potential suppliers should have adequate opportunities to win contracts from our company. It is our strategy to pay suppliers on time, in accordance with agreed business terms. On the other hand, we have set high standards for our suppliers according to our code of ethics.
Our company will always compete in the market vigorously but in a fair and ethical manner. Competitive success is based on providing value and quality services. Competition should not be underestimated. When interacting with competitors, employees should avoid discussing internal details and improperly obtaining information about competitors' trade secrets or other confidential information.
We will fully act in accordance with all relevant domestic and international laws and will comply with local guidelines and regulations, including those specific to our industry that govern our activities. It is the responsibility of management to ensure, by adopting legal or other guidelines, that they are aware of all laws and regulations that might affect our area of business.
Our company is committed to optimizing individual and business matters through the best people at all levels and creating an environment in which employees want and are able to contribute to the success of the company. To achieve such a work environment, where team spirit and commitment to goals and values prevail, the company will ensure that individual employees are treated fairly, with dignity and respect.
In dealing with our employees, we will act in accordance with national regulatory conditions and employment obligations concerning employees in accordance with the relevant labor or social legal norms applicable in the area of safety, and individual regulations must be respected.
Harassment can be defined as unwanted behavior that a person perceives as intimidating, disturbing, harassing, embarrassing, ridiculing, or offensive. Behavior involving harassment (racial, sexual, or any other type) of any employee is unacceptable. If an employee is convinced that they have been harassed – they should refer the matter to the appropriate human resources manager, who will arrange for the investigation to be prompt, impartial, and confidential.
We value all our employees for their contribution to our business and commit that their opportunities for career advancement will be equal and will not be influenced by assessing other qualities such as their work performance, ability, and competence. Employees will also be given the opportunity to develop their own potential, and where appropriate, further develop their careers within the company.
Our company places the highest priority on supporting the health and safety of its employees at work. Above all, we will continuously and permanently verify the effectiveness of our operational methods to protect those who work in high-risk environments.
Employees should work to establish long-term business relationships. Employees will be paid for hours worked as specified in national legislation or agreements or set by industrial norms.
In the interest of protecting our employees and customers, and due to the nature of our business, the company will apply stringent screening and selection techniques before establishing an employment relationship.
Employees must prevent situations where there is a risk of breaching good morals in business dealings, even when business circumstances would otherwise not disrupt these ethical rules or the relevant regulatory norms.
Employees must not use confidential information obtained during their tenure at the company for personal gain, nor may they provide such information to a third party during their tenure at the company or after ending cooperation with the company. "Confidential information" refers to information specifically designated as confidential or otherwise considered confidential given the circumstances surrounding it. The term "confidential information" does not include information in the public domain or information that an individual is legally entitled to disclose.
Every employee has a duty to avoid business, financial, or other direct or indirect interests or relationships that conflict with the interests of the company, or that disrupt their loyalty to the company. Any activity that even suggests the emergence of a conflict of interest should be prevented or terminated, with the only exception being if management at the relevant level believes that the activity is not unethical or inappropriate, does not disrupt integrity, and is not harmful to the reputation and standing of the company.
The company expects employees who engage in social networks on websites or groups referring to them to behave in accordance with the values and policy of the company. Employees must ensure that the good reputation of the company is not damaged, that the protection and safety of employees are secured, and that customers and the general public are not endangered. Company logos and trademarks, photographs, images, videos from colleagues, uniforms, business premises, buildings, and company locations may not be used without prior explicit consent from the company. Derogatory or offensive comments about the company, or any of its employees, colleagues, partners, customers, or associates should never be published on any social network or personal blogs - posts and comments should contain a clear statement that the published opinions are the views of the author and do not represent the perspective of the entire company.
This Code of Ethics must be accepted as a minimum standard and all management members must be familiar with it. It will be published on our website www.rarecrew.com and in our internal Knowledge Base.
Employees can expect that the company will consider their constructive suggestions and will pay due attention to their legitimate concerns and complaints. Such concerns may include information about embezzlements, distortions or falsification of data, thefts, harassment, discrimination, and non-compliance with prescribed regulatory norms, laws, policies, and procedures. Concerns must be investigated impartially so that the rights of the employee are protected. Employees who have concerns that unethical behavior may occur should consult primarily with their director. If desired, they may do so anonymously. To ensure discretion, employees should not discuss the matter with colleagues or a third party until they have specific authorization or legal entitlement.
We regularly monitor compliance with this Code of Ethics, utilizing feedback from various sources such as helplines, internal/external audits, and management reports.
Because our company is focused on maintaining high ethical standards in conducting its business, practices of any kind that are not in line with the principles of our company will not be tolerated. Commitment to these principles is a condition of employment at the company. Therefore, any activity by an employee that knowingly and carelessly disrupts the mentioned ethical policy may lead to disciplinary proceedings and, where necessary, the conflict may be addressed legally.
Approved by the CEO
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